Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Confidence in Institutions Declining

 Recent polls show that confidence in Media and Government (two heads of the same beast these days) is at an all time low and is going down fast. "Collapsing" is the way the Epoch Times put it. I guess when the media goes into overdrive to push clearly false narratives and squash relevant stories that's going to happen. It is an inevitable consequence of over-centralization of media. They all repeat the same narrative, there is no healthy debate within them. Naturally those who distrust the monolithic narrative they put forth are going to distrust them.

The same thing with political parties. When the two dominant parties put barriers to entry to other choices, with the collusion of said media, naturally those who don't buy into the six-inch wide band of policy they represent, with no mention of other important issues like ending the "Federal Reserve", are going to distrust those two brands. Our choice should have never been shunted into those two brands anyway. We have all kinds of choices on almost any other product or service. Why should we have to choose between two terminally corrupt political parties that are clearly enriching their own elites at the expense of the rest of us?

 We have a very obvious two-tiered justice system where the insiders and their kin openly commit multiple felonies and are not even prosecuted, while the rest of us have our stuff seized and then have to "prove our innocence" to get it back or face long prison sentences for breaking arcane laws that are so numerous and ever-changing that we can't even keep up with them. That of course is the consequence of the two problems described above. The majority of Americans have no confidence in our institutions, except for "small business" and "the military". Nor should they. Our institutions face a crisis of legitimacy which they are choosing to ignore or worse, re-direct blame unto those noticing they are corrupt and unjust rather than reforming themselves from within. 

If there is a systemic solution, its localism. It is a political philosophy of radical decentralization in order to counter the radical centralization we see all around us. 

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