A very large number of Americans look at succession from the Union as a viable option. This piece from the Von Mises Institute shows how many. Basically 40% of those polled to one degree or another! They see a very divided nation, and so they figure "let's just divide". Those in power screech about "treason" while continually dismissing legitimate concerns about their own policies and actions and how they cause division.
Sunday, October 31, 2021
Von Mises Institute Reports Many Open to Succession
Stakeholder Capitalism is Really Making Corporate Governance Official
Globalism will be a horror of tyranny for almost all of mankind. Yet it is coming because the super-rich and global corporations are tired of having to buy politicians year after year. They want to buy themselves a direct seat at the rules-making table instead. They are doing to the politicians the very same thing they are doing with the rest of their labor force- downsizing and streamlining. The politicians have been the Middle Man, and the corporations want to cut them out, or at least make them just one voice among many- of others like them.
This article explains it well.
Even though I wrote the book in 2012, Localism is more relevant today than it was on the day I wrote it, because the threats looming on the distant horizon in that day are now immanent.