Thursday, March 17, 2016

The Dark Knight of Political Philosophies


I have come to realize that Localism is the Dark Knight of political philosophies. It may not be the philosophy of government that most people want, especially people interested in public policy, but its the one they need.

 The first "Dark Knight" Batman movie explored the idea that there was a difference between the hero that people wanted and the hero that people needed. The good people of Gotham wanted an optimistic camera-friendly champion to work within the system that they were comfortable with. They wanted to believe their problems were not because the system itself was flawed, rather the answer was simply to change the identity of the person running it and that will fix things.

Except it didn't fix things. While its true that the right person can keep a soundly-built ship from running aground, if the ship has a structural flaw then a storm can expose it no matter who the Captain is. It is the storm which exposes the design flaw. At that point changing Captains won't help. One must go to port and do a re-fit, however much trouble it may be. In the movie, the emergence of The Joker represented that storm. He had an evil gift of finding and exploiting the ugliness of people, combined with an understanding of how to leverage the complex, interconnected, yet predictable form of the system against itself. When this gift was used against people in the system it was revealed that all of them had something they wanted more than justice.

Batman did not work within their system. He did not need the approval of the general public. He was not subject to media manipulation, or The Joker's manipulation. He did not lean on orders from headquarters, or the permission of people who knew less about the situation than he did. He just acted. Only one thing about him was predictable, that he would follow his own law and refuse to kill.

Harvey Dent and the good people of Gotham felt everything was basically fine, they just needed the right central figure to lead the system. The Joker knew that the system itself was flawed and those flaws would be amplified by exploiting the flawed humans which operated the system at all levels. In this sense, the size and complexity of the system simply offered The Joker more targets, more ways to aggravate stress points.

The Joker represents anarchy, the other extreme from Dent. I don't say that anarchists want to hurt people just to make a point like the Joker did, but that character would represent anarchists in this analogy. They have no illusions about the system and would like nothing more than the whole thing to burn to the ground. But he went too far in believing that everything was ugly, everything was dirty. It didn't all need to go, but it did need intervention from outside itself in order to function in a way that would produce any lasting good.

Batman was the hero that showed Gothamites that their system was not able to maintain itself without external correction. Batman showed The Joker that not all external corrective forces were hypocrites. The Joker's quest to prove that there was no difference between the respectable and the contemptible, that all heroes and authorities were at core just as amoral as he was, failed against The Dark Knight.

People who are attracted to politics tend to have strong feelings about using political power. Generally they are motivated by one of two things: either they like to rule others or they hate to be ruled by others. For those who like to rule, there is the present extremism of the central state. They think we can "make America great again" by picking the right hero to be our strongman. They have no patience for the thought that our problems may run deeper than that, and may in fact be systemic. People who love the Central State are interested in making other people do what they want. They have no desire for localism. Localism is for people who can sleep well at night even when people they have never met in a city where they have never been are doing things they would not approve of.

For the opposite group, those who hate to be ruled, Localism does not go far enough. They are drawn to philosophies of government which confirm their rejection of all authority. They want some of the more extreme flavors of Libertarian ideas, such as anarchism. Any state is too much state for them. The very concept must be discredited. They marshal some manner of intellectual arguments against the necessity of the state, but not so much as to withstand real scrutiny. Most of the second book about localism was devoted to showing why much of the  underpinnings of anarchist thought are uncompelling.

Unfortunately the human tendency is to start with our emotions and afterwards make some attempt at formulating a logic which supports our previous emotional conclusions. For one who wishes to see power exercised over others, even people too distant to have any serious affect on their own lives, some rationalization for the central state will be constructed, no matter how flimsy. In the same way, if one's emotions lead one to rebel against all authority, unprovable premises will be adopted which allow for a philosophy which justifies it. It is the rare and healthy person who can dispassionately take a look at other ideas, especially those which begin outside of their emotional comfort zone.

Localism is a philosophy of government for emotionally and mentally healthy people. It is for those who feel no compulsion to rule over distant strangers yet accept the necessity of some kind of government for themselves. It accepts that we are not always the best judge of the nobility of our own actions- be we ruler or ruled. It answers the old question of "if man must be governed himself then how can he rule others?" by saying that both the governed and the governing must check and balance one another. Neither can be trusted with absolute freedom of action, either over themselves or others. Those few of us who do manage to break ourselves free of all restraint most often do so to their own destruction, whether individual or government. At the same time we acknowledge the present central state does not really restrain government, and presents only the illusion of freedom and accountability and not freedom or accountability itself.

Ultimately the Philosophy of Government we need is one that reflects the truth about us. About Mankind. Though statism and anarchism seem like polar opposites, they actually originate from the same mistaken assumption about man. Both the philosophy of the Central State and that of Anarchy start with the idea that we are basically good. The one says "our sort can rule others without corruption" and the other says "we can live unrestrained by external rules without corruption". They are both built on the ethereal foundation of our own purported goodness. For anarchists, this goodness extends to the common man. Adherents of the central state may think that only those of their viewpoint are so righteous as to be able to manifest this incorruptible and innate goodness. Each asks for unaccountable power- one over everyone and the other against everyone - on the same false basis.

Localism presents a more classical, and honest, assessment of humankind. Mankind is not good by nature. Mankind is sinful by nature, and being able to cover that up and put on a good show is just part of the sin. Further, few things bring out the inherent badness of man like a lack of accountability whether it be in the form of escaping all external authority over themselves, or the unchecked ability to impose such authority over others. This is not what we want to hear about ourselves, even if it is true. We don't wish to hear it even if it was the classical western view of man for over a thousand years, and that view produced a very great deal of human liberty. Perhaps it worked, but its not what we want to hear just now. From this classical and blunt assessment of human nature springs the political philosophy of Localism.  The Dark Knight of its kind. The one we need, even if it fails to flatter us.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

NOW the Establishment Wants a Kind of Run-Off


A "Brokered Convention" is kind of like a run-off election. If there is no clear winner on the first round of voting, you have a second round. It differs from a run-off election in that the people casting the votes in the second round are not the whole body of people who voted the first round, but a select group of delegates much more tied to the system which engineered the election to begin with.

For many cycles the Republican establishment in particular manipulated the process against outsider candidates who really wanted to limit government. They did this by encouraging a bevy of candidates who claimed such positions (usually without much basis in fact) into entering the race. The nationalist/traditionalist/limited government vote was divided many ways. The establishment Republican vote was divided few ways because the power brokers got together in advance to pick their candidate. I heard about George W. Bush as a candidate from a Republican county chair while we we still engaged in the previous election cycle.

They still tried to rig the process by getting all of the southern states, save Jeb Bush's Florida, into having their primaries early while the vote was decided on a proportional basis and many candidates would be in the race. Then Jeb Bush or some other globalist big government Republican could clean up by winning 35% of the vote and getting all of the delegates in "winner take all" primaries like Florida and Ohio.

They totally misjudged how fed up the country was with their policies, and the Bush family which has become the personification of it. They did hedge a little bit, in that they let an ambitious young Marco Rubio convince them to use him as a back-up plan if indeed people were tired of the Bushes. When Bush floundered they went to the back-up plan and pushed him relentlessly. But Rubio proved to be "not ready for prime time." Between that and a regional (at best) establishment (Kasich) candidate staying in the race, it was actually the establishment vote that has been divided.

The third thing that they did not plan on was Ted Cruz peeling off just enough of the establishment to raise some serious money while still keeping a substantial amount of the conservative anti-establishment grassroots in his camp. Normally by this time, the conservative challenger is out of cash and has not laid the groundwork for a rapid series of contests in large states.

Then of course there is the Deus Ex Machina Black Swan event that is Donald Trump. Donald Trump is now turning their own plans on their heads. He does not have anywhere near a majority of delegates. He barely has 100 more than Cruz. But until now delegates have been allotted more or less proportionally. We are about to enter a phase where the delegates are awarded by a procedure that the media has been calling "winner take all."

Now Trump is in a position to do what the establishment candidates did to the conservative candidates when McCain and Romney were running: Rack up tremendous delegate leads by winning 100% of the delegates by winning less that 50% (in some cases far less) of the vote. What they are trying to do now is arrange things so that no one gets over half of the delegates. Then it would go to a brokered convention where, if a few more rules get changed, they can get someone more to their liking in there.

This is not as impossible as it sounds. We are far along the process and although Trump has the most delegates of any candidate, he does not have close to half of the delegates. The remaining states are mostly "winner take all" but they also tend to be "closed" events. That is, only registered Republicans can participate. That eliminates the motivated independents that have been bolstering Trump's numbers. Trump comes off as an east coast authoritarian, and that does not play well in Western states. Indeed, except for atypical Nevada, Trump has not won out west. Cruz is stronger once you get away from states that are east of the Mississippi. The "border" states that have one border on the west side of the Mississippi are basically a tie. Trump wins east of that line and Cruz wins west of it.

I started out by saying that brokered convention is a type of run-off election. This gets to the real point I want you to see from this. The establishment media calls states that award all of their delegates to the one with the most votes, even if its not a majority of votes, "winner take all" states. In the general election they call it the "first past the post" method. Same method, different names. In each case the candidate who gets the most votes, even if its not the majority of votes, gets everything at stake, whether its a pile of delegates or a public office. And that's a problem. We should have run-off elections for every office on the ballot, preferably using instant run-off voting.

Why does the establishment want a brokered convention, a sort of run-off albeit one decided by those closer to the system, for itself but expect everyone else to be stuck with a "winner take all" a.k.a. "first past the post" method of determining who wins general elections in November? Any state legislature could change the election laws anytime they wanted. They just don't want to. It is in the interest of the two dominant parties to leave the "first past the post" a.k.a. "winner takes all" system in place in November because it is easier for them to game that system. They can scare people out of choosing a third party out of fear of "splitting the vote" and throwing the election to their least preferred option. They like it because it frightens people into line instead of helping them to vote their conscience. That they have not given us run-offs yet is dishonorable at any time, but never moreso than now, when the establishment of one of the major parties wants a sort of run-off for itself- in particular a run-off where only those most connected to the system get to vote on the second round.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

What is "The Establishment" of a Political Party?

To answer that question you must first answer the question of what a party is supposed to do. This video explains why, if the goal is to limit government, a unitary national party system is exactly the wrong vehicle.

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