Friday, May 29, 2015

The Coming War on Cash is Checkmate on Human Freedom


When I was born the common coin of my country was made of silver, and dollars held by the other nations of the world could be exchanged for gold - one ounce of gold for thirty-five dollars. Real wealth was embedded into the money because it was made of something which would have been considered valuable even if it were not used as money. Now, in my lifetime, the silver is gone from our hands and the gold is gone. It has been replaced by debt, that they say that we owe to them.

It astounds me that year after year people all over the world trade their real goods and services for little slips of paper that a privileged few in Washington can just spit out of a printing press.  Is it any wonder that over time more and more wealth and power has been sapped from the people in the heartland and been gathered by those in Washington and the banks closely associated with them who are nearest this Magic Money Machine? If one will think about it, in the long run no other outcome is possible. This is why fiat currency, not just debt-based but any fiat currency, is so detested by Localists and others.

Our fraudulent fiat dollar system really collapsed in 2008, and was only temporarily reanimated via the open lawlessness of "Quantitative Easing" - the conjuring of $11 trillion dollars out of thin air by the pressmasters. That newly created money to save "the financial system" (read the giant fraud created to strip the American middle class of its wealth) was covered by the corresponding creation of public debt. Americans were loaded with trillions more debt in order to save the very system which is slowly stealing all of their wealth.

The protest movements created by this desperation move, Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party, should have been supported by almost all Americans who were not in on the looting. It should have resulted in the total destruction of the two captured political parties and the emergence of new (hopefully decentralized) political structures to replace them. Instead, both movements have been mostly marginalized and co-opted by the existing terminally corrupt political clubs. It is as if citizens in Sicily had gotten enough of the Mafia and formed a protest movement or two against it, only to have them seduced into thinking that the best way to stop the Gambinos from looting your country is to join the Mafia and "reform it from within."

Americans lost their chance to start a much needed Second American Revolution, and as a result have been backed further into a corner. The elites know that the financial system they have created has defrauded over a hundred million people of their wealth and is failing all but those most connected to it. That is why they are doubling down on the police state, and collecting data on the communications of all Americans. They are preparing for the crackdown once people realize what has been done to them.

They are literally waging a war on freedom, because with freedom comes the power to change one's circumstances and resist/change one's government. They know that once Americans figure out what has been done to them, they will want to change ruling classes. Their solution is to make freedom impossible so as to make change impossible.

That is why it is not enough that they can buy up the real goods of the whole earth with little bits of paper which only have value because they say so. Taking away actual money- gold and silver, was not enough. Making us debt slaves to bits of paper is not enough.  You see even paper money offers some measure of freedom, and some escape from scrutiny. The guilty often have a fear about what those they have wronged might be doing. That is why they have restricted the use of cash for transaction. Even former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert faces years in prison for the "crime" of making bank with drawls of his own money in a manner designed to evade the bank's mandatory reporting requirements of cash with-drawls over $10,000, and lying to the FBI about the reason.

That's right. We now live in a nation where our banks are required by law to spy on us and report us if we withdraw more than $10,000 in cash at once. And we can be imprisoned for the "crime" of withdrawing our own money in a way that avoids triggering this limit. They want all of our money in the banking system, where they can monitor it or confiscate it. They can't have the people they are cheating making a bunch of transaction that they don't know about, why that's "terrorism." They don't even want you taking it out and sitting on it. That is a way of expressing "no confidence" in the system. They want to force you to put that money back in the system. Either in the rigged financial markets, or a bank where they can hyper-leverage it to keep the illusion of solvency up a little longer.

There is a war on physical cash coming because it is a vital part of the war on human freedom. The elites want all of our business monitored, and all of our transactions approved. The independence of actual physical cash, even cash issued by them, is still considered by our ruling class (driven insane with power and guilt) to be too much freedom for them to be comfortable with. We are going to be driven to a cash-free society, where all "currency" is in the system in the form of digits. Once there is no means to conduct transactions without their knowledge, there is no ability to act without their approval.  Resist, while you still can.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The One Party with Two Faces in Operation: GOP Senate Gives Obama More Authority on TPP


Breitbart and others report that the Republican controlled senate voted to give Democrat President Barack Obama more authority to negotiate America into the Trans-Pacific Partnership. It is nice to know that the Democrat Administration and the Republican senate can put aside their differences long enough to further destroy America's middle class and trade our national sovereignty off to the global corporations which fund both of their private political clubs.

The Breitbart article noted that all of the amendments meant to cushion the blow of giving this authority to Obama were defeated, including the one Senator Ted Cruz said was necessary to avoid using the TPP as an end-run around U.S. immigration law. Cruz (who is obviously not eligible for the Presidency) went ahead and voted to give Obama the extra power anyway. Almost all of them did. On issues of globalism vs. national sovereignty, the American people have no political choice and if they favor national sovereignty over globalism, no political representation.

Localism opposes in principle all multi-party trade agreements since they cannot help but transfer national authority to a supra-national body unaccountable to national citizens. Trade agreements should be bilateral only. Localism also has specific measures designed to prevent global corporations from taking over a national economy and by extension a nation's political system. But I digress. The point of this article is to provide yet more overwhelming evidence that when it really matters, our current political "choice" is a fraud designed to placate us into believing we are self-governing while in fact all important decisions are taken out of our hands.

If we want representation, we are going to have to quit out-sourcing the job of looking out for our interests to these fake D.C.-based and globally funded political "parties" and revert to self-government. An example of how that might be done is discussed in the Third Pillar of Localism, and the first tentative steps to put it into practice can be found by example in groups like this.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Localism Defended; The Narrow Path Between Anarchy and the Central State

"Localism Defended" has gone to press. Link to Kindle E-book is here. The print edition should be available from that link in a few days.

The title says “Localism Defended” but the book is really a defense of all forms of what might be called “Limited Government Conservatism”, or even “Classical Liberalism.” These philosophies need defending because they are under attack, not only by proponents of a leviathan state on one side, but by a rising tide of anarchists and the more absolutist shades of libertarianism on the other. 

If you believe in limited government, but not so limited as anarchists or many libertarians advocate, then this book is for you. It presents a rational defense of the classic Western view of government. It also makes a compelling case as to why the foundations of anarchist and libertarian thought are, if not certainly wrong, at least not necessarily correct. This provides those with a classical view of government the tools to forge alliances based on mutual respect with Libertarian-leaning persons who are willing to work for common goals even if we have some ideological disagreements. This book also lays out the intellectual case needed to defeat the aggressive assertions of the more extreme elements of the libertarian movement as to what government should and should not be allowed to do. 

This is done in two main ways, one part in showing why such ideas are not necessary intellectually and the other in giving specific examples of why they won’t work practically. On the other extreme, the book also lays out a stinging analysis of the categories of supporters of the current leviathan state. 

In the preceding book, “Localism, a Philosophy of Government”, author Mark Moore offered a blueprint by which limited government might be kept limited rather than repeating the dreary pattern of each generation finding itself under a government larger and more centralized than the one preceding it. Localism is the means of keeping government within reach of the individual citizen structurally, “Localism Defended” provides the arguments needed to advance ideas about such government intellectually.