Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Rasmussen Finds the "Elite 1% Driving the Culture War"

 Fascinating look at a small cross-section of Americans with influence all out of proportion to their numbers that have a view of life and government that is shockingly out of tune with their fellow countrymen. 

Friday, December 15, 2023

Council for Inclusive Capitalism: Straight From a Conspiracy Theorist's Version of a Bond Movie

 The organization, led by a Rothschild, seeks to formalize the replacement of elected leaders with a world in which the largest, most connected corporations make policy directly, with an AI they create as the new voice of authority! It is ESG on steroids.

Link to Amazon Page of "Localism, a philosophy of government". Do you have a philosophy of government that can resist globalism?

Critical Theory Has Turned on Its Creators. Behind Next Great Persecution of Jews?

 Critical Theory was developed by secular German Jews from the Frankfurt School who were shaped by the rise of Nazism. They wanted a new and comprehensive moral philosophy based on oppressor/oppressed dynamics and group identity. In other words, shaped by their experiences as a minority group that was oppressed. But the philosophy they developed is now backfiring and the left is startled to see that the same masses that buy into Critical Theory concepts are turning on the Jews. Why is this happening? It turns out that Critical Theory is a flawed Frankenstein's Monster, with the capacity to turn on its creators.

Link to book's Amazon Page Journey on the Outside, My Life as an Activist Localism, a Philosophy of Government